Interface IWithPostgresConnection

An entry in an WithPostgresConnections object.

interface IWithPostgresConnection {
    chunkSize?: Nilable<number>;
    client: ValueOrGetter<Nilable<string | ClientConfig>>;
    clientClass?: Nilable<Constructor<any>>;
    cursorClass?: any;
    entities: ValueOrGetter<EntityConfigurations>;
    noDbNull?: Nilable<boolean>;


chunkSize?: Nilable<number>

Custom chunk size for cursor operations.



client: ValueOrGetter<Nilable<string | ClientConfig>>

The client configuration for pg module or the function, which returns it.

clientClass?: Nilable<Constructor<any>>

The custom client class. Default is pg.Client.

cursorClass?: any

A custom class of a pg-module compatible class to do cursor operations.

entities: ValueOrGetter<EntityConfigurations>

The list of entity configurations or the function, which returns it.

noDbNull?: Nilable<boolean>

Indicates that the special value NULL should not be used for this entity by default.

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