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A PostgreSQL data adapter and other utilities for @egomobile/orm module.


Execute the following command from your project folder, where your package.json file is stored:

npm install --save @egomobile/orm-pg

The following modules are defined in peerDependencies and have to be installed manually:


import { createDataContext, DbNullable, NULL as DbNull } from "@egomobile/orm";
import { PostgreSQLDataAdapter } from "@egomobile/orm-pg";
import type { QueryResult } from "pg";

class User {
// non-nullable fields
public id: number | null = null;
public first_name: string | null = null;
public last_name: string | null = null;

// nullable fields
public email: DbNullable<string | null> = null;

async function main() {
const context = await createDataContext({
adapter: new PostgreSQLDataAdapter(),
entities: {
// name of the entity / table
users: {
ids: ["id"], // list of column(s) which represent the ID
type: User, // the class / type to use to create objects from

const listOfUsers: User[] = await context.find(User, {
// WHERE clause
where: "is_active=$1 AND is_deleted=$2",
params: [true, false], // $1, $2

offset: 1, // skip the first
limit: 100, // only return 100 rows

// return a user with ID 5979
const specificUser: User | null = await context.findOne(User, {
where: "id=$1",
params: [5979], // $1

if (specificUser !== null) {
// update with new data
specificUser.last_name = "Doe";
specificUser.first_name = "Jane";
specificUser.email = DbNull;
await context.update(specificUser);

// remove from database
await context.remove(specificUser);
} else {
console.log("User not found");

// create new POCO
const newUser = new User();
newUser.first_name = "John";
newUser.last_name = "Doe";
// ... and add it to database
await context.insert(newUser);

// do raw queries
const result: QueryResult<any> = await context.query(
"SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=$1 AND is_active=$2;",



Before you can use migrations, first keep sure to have an existing migrations table in your database:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.migrations
"id" bigserial NOT NULL,
"timestamp" bigint NOT NULL,
"name" character varying NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT pk_migrations_id PRIMARY KEY (id)

A quick example how to use PostgreSQLDataAdapter class:

import { PostgreSQLDataAdapter } from "@egomobile/orm-pg";

async function main() {
const context = new PostgreSQLMigrationContext({
// a default adapter
adapter: new PostgreSQLDataAdapter(),

// scan for .js files
// inside ./migration subfolder
// with the following format:
// example: 1746942104690-CreateUserTable.js
migrations: __dirname + "/migration",

table: "migrations",

// UP-GRADE database
await context.up();

// DOWN-GRADE database
await context.down();


A migration file looks like this:

* Function to UP-GRADE the database.
module.exports.up = async (context) => {
// context => https://egomobile.github.io/node-orm/interfaces/IDataContext.html

await context.query(`
CREATE TABLE public.tdta_user
"id" bigserial NOT NULL,
"uuid" character(36) NOT NULL,
"email" character varying NOT NULL,
"created" timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
"updated" timestamp with time zone,

CONSTRAINT "pk_tdta_user_id" PRIMARY KEY (id),
CONSTRAINT "uq_tdta_user_uuid" UNIQUE (uuid),
CONSTRAINT "uq_tdta_user_account_id" UNIQUE (account_id)

* Function to DOWN-GRADE the database.
module.exports.down = async (context) => {
// context => https://egomobile.github.io/node-orm/interfaces/IDataContext.html

await context.query(`DROP TABLE public.tdta_user;`);

You are also able to create a migration file programmatically:

import { createNewMigrationFile } from "@egomobile/orm-pg";

const newFilePath = await createNewMigrationFile("the name of the migration", {
// create output file inside ./migrations sub folder
dir: __dirname + "/migrations",

// generate and add optional header and footer to the file
header: ({ name, timestamp }) =>
`// Hello, this is migration '${name}' created on ${timestamp}\n\n`,
footer: "\n\n// Copyright (x) e.GO Mobile SE, Aachen, Germany\n\n",

console.log("Migration file has been created in", newFilePath);


The API documentation can be found here.

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