Interface ISerializableParameterDependencyItemWithInfo

A serizable version of an IParameterDependencyItem.

interface ISerializableParameterDependencyItemWithInfo {
    className: Nullable<string>;
    existsIn: Nullable<IStackInfo>;
    index: number;
    info: IDependencyInformation;
    isStatic: boolean;
    name: Nullable<string>;
    type: "parameter";

Hierarchy (view full)


className: Nullable<string>

The name of the underlying class, if available.

existsIn: Nullable<IStackInfo>

Information about the origin.

index: number

The zero-based index inside the method.

The underlying information.

isStatic: boolean

Is underlying type static or not.

name: Nullable<string>

The name, if available.

type: "parameter"

The type.

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