Interface IDependencyInformationEntity

An entity inside a IDependencyInformation object.

interface IDependencyInformationEntity {
    attributes?: Nilable<DependencyInformationEntityAttributes>;
    category?: Nilable<string>;
    entities?: Nilable<DependencyInformationEntities>;
    hasLocalEffects?: Nilable<boolean>;
    hasRemoteEffects?: Nilable<boolean>;
    key: ReferenceValue;
    references?: Nilable<string[]>;
    remarks?: Nilable<string>;
    type?: Nilable<string>;



Optional list of attributes.

category?: Nilable<string>

An optional value that categories this entity. Value should be handled as slug value, case-insensitive.

entities?: Nilable<DependencyInformationEntities>

Optional children for this entity.

hasLocalEffects?: Nilable<boolean>

If there is an action on app's side, it will have effects in this application in general.



hasRemoteEffects?: Nilable<boolean>

If there is an action in this application, it will have effects on app's side in general.



key: ReferenceValue

The unique key. Value should be handled case-insensitive.

references?: Nilable<string[]>

An optional list of references. Should be handled as URIs.

remarks?: Nilable<string>

Optional notes/remarks. Should be handled as Markdown, if possible.

type?: Nilable<string>

An optional value for classification. Value should be handled as slug value, case-insensitive.

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