A possible value for a HTTP request body.
HTTP(s) request options.
A possible value for a HTTP request URL.
An action for 'invokeAfter()' function.
A log action.
A log filter.
Options for 'openAndShowTextDocument()' function.
A progress result.
A progress task.
Describes a simple 'completed' action.
Normalizes a string.
A typed log action.
A workflow action.
A workspace watcher.
A workspace watcher 'complete action'.
Possible results of a workspace watcher.
Stores the global event emitter.
Name of the event, when an object has been disposed.
Disposes the event emitter, stored in 'EVENTS'.
Name of an event, when an object is going to be disposed.
Is AIX or not.
Is Free BSD or not.
Is Linux or not.
Is Sun OS or not.
Is Open BSD or not.
Is Sun OS or not.
Is Windows or not.
A symbol that indicates that 'IWorkflowActionContext.result' will NOT be used as result value of 'IWorkflowBuilder.start()'.
Global execution queue, which only allows one execution at the same time.
Stores global data for the current extension session.
Disposes 'SESSION', by removing its data.
Does a HTTP 'DELETE' request.
The URL.
The promsie with the HTTP response / result.
Does a HTTP 'GET' request.
The URL.
The promsie with the HTTP response / result.
Does a HTTP 'PATCH' request.
The URL.
The promsie with the HTTP response / result.
Does a HTTP 'POST' request.
The URL.
The promsie with the HTTP response / result.
Does a HTTP 'PUT' request.
The URL.
The promsie with the HTTP response / result.
Applies a function for a specific object / value.
The function.
The wrapped function.
Returns a value as array.
The value.
The value as (new) array.
Returns a value as buffer.
The value to convert / cast.
The custom encoding for the string parsers.
The promise with the buffer.
Returns a value as local Moment instance.
The input value.
The output value.
Returns a value as UTC Moment instance.
The input value.
The output value.
Builds a button for the status bar.
The button (settings).
The new status bar item.
Starts building a workflows.
The new workflow builder.
Calculates the bearing between two locations.
The latitude of the 1st location.
The longitude of the 1st location.
The latitude of the 2nd location.
The longitude of the 2nd location.
The bearing, in degree.
Clones an object / value deep.
The value / object to clone.
The cloned value / object.
Clones an value flat.
The object to clone.
The cloned object.
Compares two values for a sort operation.
The left value.
The right value.
The "sort value".
Compares values by using a selector.
The left value.
The right value.
The selector.
The "sort value".
Alias for 'createDevToolsClient'.
Creates a simple 'completed' callback for a promise.
The 'succeeded' callback.
The 'error' callback.
The created action.
Creates a new instance of a client, which can connect to a DevTools compatible browser like Google Chrome.
The new client instance.
Creates a directory (if needed).
The path of the directory to create.
The promise that indicates if directory has been created or not.
Creates the extension's folder in the home directory, if it does not exist.
The promise that indicates if directory has been created or not.
Creates the extension's folder in the home directory, if it does not exist (synchronously).
Indicates if directory has been created or not.
Creates a Git client.
The promise with the client or (false) if no client found.
Creates a Git client (sync).
The client or (false) if no client found.
Creates a disposable interval.
The callback.
The interval in milliseconds.
The disposable for the interval.
Creates a new logger instance.
The new logger.
Creates a new queue.
The new queue.
Creates a disposable timeout.
The callback.
The timeout in milliseconds.
The disposable for the timeout.
Handles a value as string and checks if it does match at least one (minimatch) pattern.
The value to check.
One or more patterns.
Does match or not.
Checks if a conditional object does match items condition.
The object to check.
Matches condition or not.
Checks if a platform object does match the (current) platform.
The object to check.
Matches condition or not.
Converts an error value to a string.
The error.
The error as string.
Escapes a value for handling as safe Markdown text.
The input value.
The escaped value.
Executes a file.
The thing / command to execute.
The promise with the result.
Executes the code in 'onEditorChanged' of an object.
One or more objects.
Promise version of 'FS.exists()' function.
The path.
The promise that indicates if path exists or not.
Fast version of 'node-glob'.
One or more patterns to search for.
Promise with the found files / directories.
Fast version of 'node-glob' (sync).
One or more patterns to search for.
The found files / directories.
Filters "conditional" items.
The objects to check.
The filtered items.
Filters extension notifications for display.
The notifications to filter.
Filters "platform" items.
The objects to check.
The filtered items.
Async 'forEach'.
The items to iterate.
The item action.
The result of the last action call.
Formats a string.
The value that represents the format string.
The formated string.
Formats a string.
The value that represents the format string.
The formated string.
Creates a new sequence.
The input data.
The new sequence.
Generates HTML from Markdown.
The value with Markdown data.
The generated HTML.
Returns the (possible path) of the extension's global apps sub folder.
The path of the extension's global apps sub folder.
Returns the (possible path) of the extension's sub folder inside the home directory.
The path of the extension's sub folder inside the home directory.
Returns the notifications for an extension.
The URL of the JSON file, which contains the notifications.
The promise with the notifications.
Gets the root directory of the extension.
The root directory of the extension.
Gets the initial state value from an object.
The object with the value.
The initial state value.
Loads the package file (package.json) of the extension.
The promise with the meta data of the file.
Loads the package file (package.json) of the extension sync.
The meta data of the file.
Promise version of 'Glob()' function.
One or more patterns.
The promise with the matches.
Multi pattern version of 'Glob.sync()' function.
One or more patterns.
The matches.
Alias for 'uuid'.
Imports values to an object.
The object where to import the values in.
The function that provides the value instances.
The object that contains the imported values.
Invokes an action after a timeout.
The action to invoke.
The promise with the result.
Checks if data is binary or text content.
The data to check.
The promise that indicates if content is binary or not.
Checks if data is binary or text content (sync).
The data to check.
Content is binary or not.
Checks if a path exists and is a block device.
The path to check.
The promise with the value that indicates if condition matches or not.
Checks if a path exists and is a block device.
The path to check.
A value that indicates if condition matches or not.
Checks if a path exists and is a character device.
The path to check.
The promise with the value that indicates if condition matches or not.
Checks if a path exists and is a character device.
The path to check.
A value that indicates if condition matches or not.
Checks if a path exists and is a directory.
The path to check.
The promise with the value that indicates if condition matches or not.
Checks if a path exists and is a directory.
The path to check.
A value that indicates if condition matches or not.
Checks if the string representation of a value is empty or contains whitespaces only.
The value to check.
Is empty or not.
Checks if a path exists and is FIFO.
The path to check.
The promise with the value that indicates if condition matches or not.
Checks if a path exists and is FIFO.
The path to check.
A value that indicates if condition matches or not.
Checks if a path exists and is a file.
The path to check.
The promise with the value that indicates if condition matches or not.
Checks if a path exists and is a file.
The path to check.
A value that indicates if condition matches or not.
Checks if a path exists and is a socket.
The path to check.
The promise with the value that indicates if condition matches or not.
Checks if a path exists and is a socket.
The path to check.
A value that indicates if condition matches or not.
Checks if a path exists and is a symbolic link.
The path to check.
The promise with the value that indicates if condition matches or not.
Checks if a path exists and is a symbolic link.
The path to check.
A value that indicates if condition matches or not.
Checks if an object is visible for an active editor.
The object to check.
Is visible or not.
Loads a module from a script.
The path to the script.
The loaded module.
Loads a module from a script.
The path to the script.
The loaded module.
Clones an object and makes it non disposable.
The object to clone.
The cloned object.
Normalizes a value as string so that is comparable.
The value to convert.
The normalized value.
Returns the current time.
The current time.
Opens and shows a new text document / editor.
The promise with the new, opened text editor.
Promise version of 'crypto.randomBytes()' function.
The size of the result.
The buffer with the random bytes.
Creates a range of numbers.
The start value.
The new sequence.
Reads the content of a stream.
The stream.
The promise with the content.
Registers a workspace watcher.
The underlying extension (context).
The watcher.
The watcher context.
Creates a range of numbers.
The item to repeat.
The new sequence.
Does a HTTP request.
The method to use.
The URL.
The promsie with the HTTP response / result.
Imports a module from the extension's context.
The ID of the module.
The module.
Sets the root directory of the extension.
The path of the extension.
The new value.
Shows an error message.
The message to show.
The promise with the result.
Returns the size of a file system element.
The path to the element.
The promise with the size.
Returns the size of a file system element (sync).
The path to the element.
The size.
Waits a number of milliseconds.
Creates and starts a new stop watch.
The new, started watch.
Invokes an action for a temp file.
The action to invoke.
The promise with the result of the action.
Invokes an action for a temp file (sync).
The action to invoke.
The result of the action.
Returns a sequence object as new array.
The input object.
The input object as array.
Returns a value as boolean, which is not (null) and (undefined).
The value to convert.
'val' as boolean.
Converts a button to a button object, which can be used in code.
The input object.
The output object.
Converts radian to degree.
The value, in radian.
The value, in degree.
Converts an EOL enum value to a string.
string The EOL string.
Returns a value as string, which is not (null) and (undefined).
The value to convert.
'val' as string.
Tries to clear an interval.
The interval (ID).
Operation was successfull or not.
Tries to clear a timeout.
The timeout (ID).
Operation was successfull or not.
Tries to create a Git client.
The promise with the client or (false) if no client found.
Tries to create a Git client (sync).
The client or (false) if no client found.
Tries to dispose an object.
The object to dispose.
Operation was successful or not.
Tries to dispose an object inside another, parent object and deletes it there.
The "other" / parent object.
The key inside 'obj', where the disposable object is stored and should be removed.
The disposed and removed object or (false) if failed.
Tries to remove all listeners from an event emitter.
The emitter.
Operation was successfull or not.
Tries to remove a listener from an event emitter.
The emitter.
The event.
The listener.
Operation was successfull or not.
Updates a command script arguments object by an execution context.
The script arguments.
The execution context.
Invokes a function for a disposable object and keeps sure, that this object will be disposed, even on error.
The object.
The function to invoke.
Invokes a function for a disposable object sync and keeps sure, that this object will be disposed, even on error.
The object.
The function to invoke.
TResult The result of the function.
Returns the current UTC time.
The current UTC time.
Generates a new unique ID.
The generated ID.
Waits while a predicate matches.
The predicate.
The promise that indicates if timeout reached (false) or not (true).
Runs a task with progress information.
The task to execute.
The promise with the result.
Generated using TypeDoc
Action for 'forEachAsync()' function.
The current item.
The zero based index.
The array of all elements.
The result.