Interface IMongoQueueTaskDocument

A document in a MongoDb collection for a queue task.

interface IMongoQueueTaskDocument {
    _id: ObjectId;
    createdAt: Date;
    createdBy?: string;
    data: QueueTaskData;
    errors: IMongoQueueTaskError[];
    key: string;
    status: MongoQueueTaskStatus;
    updatedAt?: Date;
    updatedBy?: string;
    uuid: string;


_id: ObjectId

The Mongo ID

createdAt: Date

The timestamp, document has been created.

createdBy?: string

A string indicating, which system / process / pod created the entry.

data: QueueTaskData

The current data.

List of occured errors.

key: string

The key of the task.

The status.

updatedAt?: Date

The timestamp, document has been updated.

updatedBy?: string

A string indicating, which system / process / pod updated the entry.

uuid: string


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