Interface IEntityConfig<TEntity>

A configuration for an entity.

interface IEntityConfig<TEntity> {
    comment?: Nilable<string>;
    fields?: Nilable<EntityFieldConfigurations<TEntity>>;
    ids?: Nilable<string[]>;
    noDbNull?: Nilable<boolean>;
    type: Constructor<TEntity>;

Type Parameters

  • TEntity extends unknown = any


comment?: Nilable<string>

A comment (or description) for this entity, which can be used as documentation later, e.g.

The custom field configurations.

ids?: Nilable<string[]>

List of columns / fields which representthe ID.

noDbNull?: Nilable<boolean>

Indicates that the special value NULL should not be used for this entity.

type: Constructor<TEntity>

The class / type to use to create instances for an entity.

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