Interface IControllersSwaggerOptions

Swagger options for controllers.

interface IControllersSwaggerOptions {
    basePath?: Nilable<string>;
    document: ControllersSwaggerBaseDocument;
    noJSON?: Nilable<boolean>;
    noYAML?: Nilable<boolean>;
    operations?: Nilable<ControllersSwaggerOperationOptionsValue>;
    resourcePath?: Nilable<string>;
    use?: Nilable<HttpMiddleware[]>;


basePath?: Nilable<string>

The base path.



The base document.

noJSON?: Nilable<boolean>

Do not provide document as JSON file download.

noYAML?: Nilable<boolean>

Do not provide document as YAML file download.

Anything about handling operations and their IDs in Swagger documentations.

resourcePath?: Nilable<string>

The path to the resource files / modules. Relative paths will be mapped to the controller root directory.

use?: Nilable<HttpMiddleware[]>

One or more required middleware for the Swagger endpoint(s).

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