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REST API extensions for @egomobile/http-server module, a very fast alternative to Express.js


Execute the following command from your project folder, where your package.json file is stored:

npm install --save @egomobile/api-utils


Quick examples

Build API responses

import createServer, { query, params } from "@egomobile/http-server";
import { apiResponse, parseListQuery } from "@egomobile/api-utils";

const app = createServer();

app.get("/users", [query(), parseListQuery()], async (request, response) => {
// load all users into 'allUsers'

// use request.listQuery, created by middleware of parseListQuery(),
// to select items inside data source of 'allUsers'
// and save it to 'selectedUsers'

apiResponse(request, response)
limit: request.listQuery!.limit,
offset: request.listQuery!.offset,
totalCount: allUsers.length,

items: selectedUsers,
}) // set list for 'data' prop
.send(); // write all data to client

app.get(params("/users/:id"), async (request, response) => {
// load user with :id into 'user'

apiResponse(request, response)
.withData(user) // set value for 'data' prop
type: "info",
message: "foo",
}) // an info message for the user
type: "warn",
message: "bar",
internal: true,
}) // a warning message for internal usage
.send(); // write all data to client


Error handling

import createServer, { json } from "@egomobile/http-server";
import {
} from "@egomobile/api-utils";

const app = createServer();

// set error handlers

// handle parsing errors for JSON data
[json({ onParsingFailed: handleApiParseError() })],
async (request, response) => {
response.write("OK: " + JSON.stringify(request.body!));

// ...


Swagger documentation

import createServer, {
} from "@egomobile/http-server";
import { loadSwaggerDocumentationSync } from "@egomobile/api-utils";

const app = createServer();

rootDir: __dirname + "/controllers",

// loads a Swagger base document, with all components
// from `swagger` subfolder
// the folder must have the following structure:
// .
// ├── swagger
// │ ├── index.ts (must export the base document => https://egomobile.github.io/node-http-server/types/ControllersSwaggerBaseDocument.html)
// | |
// │ ├── components (contains components => https://swagger.io/specification/#components-object)
// | | ├── callbacks (optional)
// | | | ├── FooCallback.ts (exports a callback with the name `FooCallback` => https://swagger.io/specification/#callback-object)
// | | ├── examples (optional)
// | | | ├── FooExample.ts (exports an example with the name `FooExample` => https://swagger.io/specification/#example-object)
// | | ├── headers (optional)
// | | | ├── FooHeader.ts (exports a header with the name `FooHeader` => https://swagger.io/specification/#header-object)
// | | ├── links (optional)
// | | | ├── FooLink.ts (exports a link with the name `FooLink` => https://swagger.io/specification/#link-object)
// | | ├── parameters (optional)
// | | | ├── FooParameter.ts (exports a parameter with the name `FooParameter` => https://swagger.io/specification/#parameter-object)
// | | ├── requestBodies (optional)
// | | | ├── FooRequest.ts (exports a request body with the name `FooRequest` => https://swagger.io/specification/#request-body-object)
// | | ├── responses (optional)
// | | | ├── FooResponse.ts (exports a response with the name `FooResponse` => https://swagger.io/specification/#response-object)
// | | ├── schemas (optional)
// | | | ├── FooSchema.ts (exports a scheme with the name `FooSchema` => https://swagger.io/specification/#schema-object)
// | | ├── securitySchemes (optional)
// | | | ├── FooSecuritySchema.ts (exports a security scheme with the name `FooSecuritySchema` => https://swagger.io/specification/#security-scheme-object)
swagger: loadSwaggerDocumentationSync({
dir: __dirname + "/swagger",
ext: ".ts", // include TypeScript files


Example for an exported object (/swagger/components/responses/FooResponse.ts):

import type { OpenAPIV3 } from "@egomobile/http-server";

const FooResponse: OpenAPIV3.ResponseObject = {
description: "A foo response.",
content: {
"application/json": {
examples: {
"Example #1": {
value: {
success: false,
data: null,
messages: [
code: 40300,
id: "03dcbaa4ef879ece0a0d09eeb5d00e6c",
internal: true,
message: "Forbidden access",
type: "error",

export default FooResponse;

The object can be referenced by

"$ref": "#/components/responses/FooResponse"


The module makes use of:


The API documentation can be found here.

Generated using TypeDoc