Next.js version of ApiResponseBuilder class.


  • ApiResponseBuilder
    • NextApiResponseBuilder



request: IHttpRequest<any>

The underlying request context.

response: IHttpResponse

The underlying response context.


  • get data(): Nullable<ApiResponseData>
  • Gets the data to return.

    Returns Nullable<ApiResponseData>

    The data to return.

  • get headers(): OutgoingHttpHeaders
  • Gets the current HTTP response headers to add to response.

    Returns OutgoingHttpHeaders

    The HTTP response headers.

  • get messages(): IApiResponseMessage[]
  • Get the messages to return.

    Returns IApiResponseMessage[]

    The messages to return.

  • get status(): number
  • Gets the current status code.

    Returns number

    The status code.

  • get success(): boolean
  • Gets the value for the 'success' property of the response.

    Returns boolean

    The value of 'success' property of the response.


  • Adds a message.


    • message: string

      The message.

    Returns this

    That instance.

  • Parameters

    • options: IAddApiResponseMessageOptions

    Returns this

  • Creates a new API response object.

    Returns IApiResponse

    The new object.

  • Sets the value for 'success' result prop to '(false)'.

    Returns this

    That instance.

  • Creates and sends an API response, based of the current object of that instance.

    Returns void

  • Sets the value for the data property.


    • data: Nilable<ApiResponseData>

      The new value.

    Returns this

    That instance.

  • Sets additional HTTP response headers.


    • headers: OutgoingHttpHeaders

      Additional HTTP response headers.

    Returns this

    That instance.

  • Sets the value for the data property as list response.


    • items: List

    Returns this

    That instance.

  • Parameters

    • options: IWithApiResponseListOptions<any>

    Returns this

  • Sets the response HTTP status code.


    • code: number

      The new value.

    Returns this

    That instance.

  • Sets the value of the 'success' property.


    • Optional value: boolean

      The new value.

    Returns this

    That instance.

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