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Extension for js-log with utilities to handle extended filters.


Execute the following command from your project folder, where your package.json file is stored:

npm install --save @egomobile/log-filter

The following modules are defined in peerDependencies and have to be installed manually:


Quick example

import log from "@egomobile/log";
import { withFilterExpression } from "@egomobile/log-filter";

// only warning or errors
const expression = 'severity == "warn" or severity == "error"';


// will log

// will not log:


The syntax is described here.


Name Description Example
args An array with all arguments, which were submitted to log function. "foo" in args
debug Value of LogType.Debug. type == debug
default Value of LogType.Default. type == default
error Value of LogType.Error. type == error
false Value of false. isDebug == false
info Value of LogType.Info. type == info
isDebug Indicates if type has value of LogType.Debug. isDebug and type == debug
isDefault Indicates if type has value of LogType.Default. isDefault and type == default
isError Indicates if type has value of LogType.Error. isError and type == error
isInfo Indicates if type has value of LogType.Info. isInfo and type == info
isTrace Indicates if type has value of LogType.Trace. isTrace and type == trace
isWarn Indicates if type has value of LogType.Warn. isWarn and type == warn
null Value of null. arg0 != null
severity type as string in lower case characters. severity in ("debug", "default", "error", "info", "trace", "warn")
trace Value of LogType.Trace. type == trace
true Value of true. isError == true
type A value of LogType. type not in (debug, trace)
undefined Value of undefined. arg0 != undefined
warn Value of LogType.Warn. type == warn

Additionally there will also dynamic constants be added, based on the number of arguments, which are submitted to a log function:

// arg0 == "foo" and message0 == "foo"
// arg1 == 42 and message1 == "42"
// arg2 == false and message2 == "false"
// arg3 == null and message3 == ""
// arg4 == undefined and message4 == ""
log("foo", 42, false, null, undefined);

It is also possible to add extra constants:

import log, { LogType } from "@egomobile/log";
import {
} from "@egomobile/log-filter";

const expression =
'foo == 42 and lowerMessage1 == "foo bar baz" and upperSeverity == "WARN" and error == undefined';

withFilterExpression(expression, {
getExtraConstants: ({ type, args }: IGetExtraLogFilterConstantsContext) => {
const extraConstants: LogFilterConstants = {
// static value
foo: 42,
// functions will be handled as getters
upperSeverity: () => LogType[type].toUpperCase(),
// remove constant
error: undefined,

// add extra and dynamic constants
// lowerMessage<index + 1>
// with lowercase values of items
// of 'args'
args.forEach((a, index) => {
extraConstants[`lowerMessage${index + 1}`] = String(a).toLowerCase();

return extraConstants;

// should log
log.warn("FOO BAR BAZ");

// should not log
log("FOO BAR BAZ");
log.warn("FUH BAR BAZZ");


Name Description Example
concat(..args: any[]) Handles a list of arguments as strings and concats them to one without using a separator. concat("Tanja", " M.") == "Tanja M."
day(useLocalTimeOrTimezone: boolean | string) Returns the current day of the current month. day() >= 1 and day() <= 31
endOf(value: any, unit: string, useLocalTimeOrTimezone: boolean | string) Returns a value, which represents the end of a time area. endOf(now(), "day") >= now()
every(value: any, ...args: any[]) Handles a value as string and checks if all arguments are included. every("foo Bar Bazz", "foo", "Bar", "Baz")
hour(useLocalTimeOrTimezone: boolean | string) Returns the current hour. hour() >= 0 and hour() <= 23
isFalsy(val: any) Checks if a value is falsy. isFalsy(arg0)
isNil(val: any) Checks if a value is null or undefined. isNil(arg0)
isNull(val: any) Checks if a value is null. isNull(arg0)
isoWeek(useLocalTimeOrTimezone: boolean | string) Returns the current ISO week. isoWeek() >= 1 and isoWeek() <= 53
isoWeekday(useLocalTimeOrTimezone: boolean | string) Returns the current ISO weekday. isoWeekday() >= 1 and isoWeekday() <= 7
isTruthy(val: any) Checks if a value is truthy. isTruthy(arg0)
isUndefined(val: any) Checks if a value is undefined. isUndefined(arg0)
item(arr: any, key: any = 0) Returns the value of an array-like object. item(args, 1) == "foo"
join(seperator: any, ..args: any[]) Handles a list of arguments as strings and joins them to one, using a separator. join(" + ", "MK", "TM") == "MK + TM"
len(val: any) Returns the length of a value. len("foo") == 3 and len(args) >= 1
log(val: any, returnValue: any = true) Logs a value. log(args)
lower(val: any) Handles a value as string and converts its characters to lowercase. lower("FoO") == "foo"
ltrim(val: any) Handles a value as string and removes leading whitespace characters. ltrim(" foo ") == "foo "
minute(useLocalTimeOrTimezone: boolean | string) Returns the current minute. minute() >= 0 and minute() <= 59
month(useLocalTimeOrTimezone: boolean | string) Returns the current month. month() >= 1 and month() <= 12
ms(useLocalTimeOrTimezone: boolean | string) Returns the current milliseconds. ms() >= 0 and ms() <= 999
now(useLocalTimeOrTimezone: boolean | string) Returns the UNIX timestamp of the current time. log(now())
regex(val: any, pattern: string, flags: string = "i") Handles a value as string and checks for a regular expression. regex("Foo Bar Bazz", "(bar)")
rtrim(val: any) Handles a value as string and removes ending whitespace characters. rtrim(" foo ") == " foo"
second(useLocalTimeOrTimezone: boolean | string) Returns the current second. second() >= 0 and second() <= 59
some(value: any, ...args: any[]) Handles a value as string and checks if a least one argument is included. some("bar FoO BAZZ", "FoO", "BAR", "baz")
startOf(value: any, unit: string, useLocalTimeOrTimezone: boolean | string) Returns a value, which represents the start of a time area. startOf(now(), "day") <= now()
str(value: any) Converts a value to a string, which is not null and not undefined. str(0) == "0"
trim(val: any) Handles a value as string and removes leading and ending whitespace characters. trim(" foo ") == "foo"
typeOf(value: any) Returns the type of a value. log(typeOf(arg0)) and typeOf(args) == "array" and typeOf(null) == "null" and typeOf("foo") == "string"
upper(val: any) Handles a value as string and converts its characters to uppercase. upper("fOo") == "FOO"
year(useLocalTimeOrTimezone: boolean | string) Returns the current year. year() == 1979 and month() == 9 and day() == 5

It is possible, to add or remove functions:

import log from "@egomobile/log";
import { withFilterExpression } from "@egomobile/log-filter";

const str = (val: any) => String(val);
const repeatStr = (val: any, count: number) => str(val).repeat(count);

const expression = 'repeatStr(arg0, 5) == "TM+MK TM+MK TM+MK TM+MK TM+MK "';

withFilterExpression(expression, {
extraFunctions: {
// new, custom function
// overwrite existing function

// remove these
ltrim: undefined,
rtrim: undefined,

// will log
log("TM+MK ");
// will not log


The module makes use of:


The API documentation can be found here.

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