Interface IApiLog

IApiLog interface defines required and optional fields for a log.


  • IApiLog


body?: any

body prop represents additional information about request body. Optional.

browser?: any

browser prop represents additional information about browser. Optional.

cookies?: any

cookies prop represents the cookies. Optional.

details: string

details prop represents an in-depth summary of the log. Required.

environment?: "dev" | "test" | "prod"

environment prop represents the actual stage of the application. will be overwritten by the package with environment variable i-e: ENVIRONMENT

headers?: any

headers prop represents additional information about request headers. Optional.

message: string

message prop represents a high-level introduction of the log. Required.

metadata?: {
    [name: string]: IApiLogMetadata;

metadata prop is a collection of objects to add extra information to the log. Optional.

Type declaration

os?: any

os prop represents additional information about operating system on which application is running. Optional.

runtime?: any

runtime prop represents information about runtime systems such as version numbers. Optional.

sdk?: any

sdk prop represents additional information about the sdk on which application is built. Optional.

severity?: "error" | "debug" | "warning" | "info"

severity prop represents how severe the log is. will be overwritten by the method of the log.

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