Interface IApiClientOptions

Options for 'ApiClient' class.

interface IApiClientOptions {
    auth: {
        clientId: string;
        clientSecret: string;
    axiosOptions?: null | AxiosRequestConfig<any>;
    baseURL: string;
    headers?: any;
    language?: null | string;
    oAuthPath?: null | string;
    pathPrefix?: null | string;


auth: {
    clientId: string;
    clientSecret: string;

Auth options.

Type declaration

  • clientId: string

    The client ID.

  • clientSecret: string

    The client secret.

axiosOptions?: null | AxiosRequestConfig<any>

Custom options for the internal axios instance.

baseURL: string

The base URL.

headers?: any

Additional / custom request headers.

language?: null | string

The default language, like 'de' or 'en'.

oAuthPath?: null | string

The custom oAuth path. Default: '/auth/v1/oauth2/token'

pathPrefix?: null | string

A custom path prefix.

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