A very fast alternative HTTP server to Express, with simple routing and middleware support, that is compatible with Node.js 18 or later.
Execute the following command from your project folder, where your
file is stored:
npm install --save @egomobile/http-server
If you want to lookup types, also install the Node Types:
npm install --save-dev @types/node
import createServer, { buffer, params, query } from "@egomobile/http-server";
async function main() {
const app = createServer();
// POST request for / route
// that uses the middleware buffer(), which loads the
// whole request body with a limit of 128 MB by default
// and writes the data to 'body' prop of 'request' object
// as Buffer
app.post("/", [buffer()], async (request, response) => {
const name: string = request.body!.toString("utf8");
response.write("Hello: " + name);
// no response.end() is required here
// parameters require a special path validator here
// s. https://github.com/lukeed/regexparam
// for more information about the string format
app.get(params("/foo/:bar/baz"), async (request, response) => {
response.write("BAR: " + request.params!.bar);
// parse query parameters from URL
// and write them to 'query' prop of 'request' object
app.get("/foo", [query()], async (request, response) => {
// request.query => https://nodejs.org/api/url.html#class-urlsearchparams
response.write(" BAR: " + request.query!.get("bar"));
response.write(" BAZ: " + request.query!.get("baz"));
await app.listen();
console.log(`Server now running on port ${app.port} ...`);
To enhance the functionality of your handlers, you can setup global or route specific middlewares.
For more details, have a look at the wiki page.
The module provides tools, like decorators, functions and classes, that helps to setup routes and their behavior on a quite simple and high level.
Have a look at the wiki page for detailed information.
import createServer from "@egomobile/http-server";
async function main() {
// ...
// custom error handler
app.setErrorHandler(async (error, request, response) => {
const errorMessage = Buffer.from("SERVER ERROR: " + String(error), "utf8");
if (!response.headersSend) {
response.writeHead(400, {
"Content-Length": String(errorMessage.length),
// custom 404 handler
app.setNotFoundHandler(async (request, response) => {
const notFoundMessage = Buffer.from(`${request.url} not found!`, "utf8");
if (!response.headersSend) {
response.writeHead(404, {
"Content-Length": String(notFoundMessage.length),
app.get("/", async (request, response) => {
throw new Error("Something went wrong!");
// ...
A nice example is, to use Youch! by Poppinss.
It prints pretty error pages in the browser:
import createServer, { prettyErrors } from "@egomobile/http-server";
import youch from "youch";
async function main() {
// ...
app.setErrorHandler(async (error, request, response) => {
const html = Buffer.from(await new youch(error, request).toHTML(), "utf8");
if (!response.headersSent) {
response.writeHead(500, {
"Content-Type": "text/html; charset=UTF-8",
"Content-Length": String(html.length),
app.get("/", async (request, response) => {
throw new Error("Oops! Something went wrong!");
// ...
A possible result could be:
With decorators @Describe() and @It(), you can write automatic (unit-)tests, realized by any framework you want.
This example shows, how to implement tests with SuperTest (if you want to see a more detailed description of this feature, you can visit the wiki page):
import {
} from "@egomobile/http-server";
@Describe("My controller")
export default class MyController extends ControllerBase {
"should return '{{body}}' in body with status {{status}} when submitting parameter {{parameter:bar}}",
expectations: {
body: "BUZZ",
status: 202,
parameters: {
bar: "buzz",
async index(request: IHttpRequest, response: IHttpResponse) {
import assert from "assert";
import supertest from "supertest";
import { createServer } from "@egomobile/http-server";
const app = createServer();
// event, that is executed, if a test is requested
app.on("test", async (context) => {
const {
} = context;
try {
process.stdout.write(`Running test [${group}] '${description}' ... `);
// prepare request ...
// HTTP method ...
let request = supertest(server)[httpMethod](escapedRoute);
// request headers ...
for (const [headerName, headerValue] of Object.entries(headers)) {
request = request.set(headerName, headerValue);
// send it
const response = await request.send(body);
assert.strictEqual(response.statusCode, expectations.status);
// maybe some more code checking headers and
// body data from `expectations` ...
} catch (error) {
process.stdout.write(`❌: ${error}\n`);
// run tests
await app.test();
// alternative:
// if you set `EGO_RUN_SETUP` to a truthy value like `1`
// the server does not start listening, instead it simply
// runs `app.test()`
// await app.listen();
Express |
fastify |
polka |
@egomobile/http-server |
Express |
- | 93% | 39% | 30% 🐌 |
fastify |
107% | - | 43% | 32% 🐢 |
polka |
256% | 238% | - | 76% 🐇 |
@egomobile/http-server |
337% 🚀🚀🚀 | 314% 🚀🚀 | 132% 🚀 | - |
The following benchmarks were made with wrk on the following machine, running Node v16.13.2:
Command: wrk -t8 -c100 -d30s http://localhost:3000/user/123
Running 30s test @ http://localhost:3000/user/123
8 threads and 100 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 3.56ms 674.79us 14.59ms 90.47%
Req/Sec 3.39k 224.41 5.11k 75.04%
809164 requests in 30.03s, 118.84MB read
Requests/sec: 26947.30
Transfer/sec: 3.96MB
Running 30s test @ http://localhost:3000/user/123
8 threads and 100 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 3.32ms 0.95ms 19.41ms 85.25%
Req/Sec 3.64k 280.76 4.87k 76.38%
869871 requests in 30.03s, 142.69MB read
Requests/sec: 28971.44
Transfer/sec: 4.75MB
Running 30s test @ http://localhost:3000/user/123
8 threads and 100 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 1.39ms 289.29us 13.20ms 91.15%
Req/Sec 8.66k 1.26k 10.67k 59.55%
2074873 requests in 30.10s, 259.22MB read
Requests/sec: 68930.81
Transfer/sec: 8.61MB
Running 30s test @ http://localhost:3000/user/123
8 threads and 100 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 1.05ms 220.64us 13.11ms 85.16%
Req/Sec 11.44k 1.39k 18.48k 81.16%
2737095 requests in 30.10s, 341.95MB read
Requests/sec: 90922.13
Transfer/sec: 11.36MB
Here is the test code, used recording the benchmarks.
The module makes use of:
The API documentation can be found here.
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